Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sign up for our Boot Camp Starts March 25, 2012

If you have ever asked yourself what is my purpose? How do I discover, honor and trust my true passion? How do I remove the blocks that hinder me from reaching my goals? How do I keep the momentum in my career or business? How do I gain the confidence, focus and clarity I need to embrace the power that's within?

Well, I am excited to announce that we will be starting an online group coaching series for those of you who are bold enough to take steps to uncovering your true passion and purpose.

You will be provided with a success action journal and recordings of all four weeks of the series along with weekly action guide reminder for you to reach your goals. The purpose of this series is to help you set the wheels in motion to attain your personal and professional goals. I look forward to supporting your journey towards embracing Your Awesome Power Within™.

What: Trusting & Embracing Your Awesome Power Within

When: Four Consecutive Sundays @ 7:00 pm - 7:45 pm

Dates: March 25, April 1, April 8, April 15

Where: Comfort of your home or office

The length of the calls will be 45 mins. If you miss the calls, you will be provided with recordings of the calls. Your Awesome Power Within Success Journal & Action Plan™ will be sent to you via e-mail to download.

Because of your amazing desire to embrace Your Awesome Power Within™, we are making this affordable to you for only $47.00. This is an introductory early bird rate for $47.00. Regular rate will be $67.00 after March 23, 2012.

This is a $97.00 value but this is being offered to you for only $47.00. Please hurry up and take advantage of this one time offer. We only have 20 slots maximum and slots will go very fast.


For the first 3 people who register you will personally get a free 20 minute coaching assessment with me.

Here is what you get:

Week: 1 How to trust & honor your purpose

Week: 2 Removing Blocks

Week: 3 Discovering Your Passion & Trusting Your Purpose

Week: 4 Embracing Your Passion and Walking in Your True Purpose

Sharon Addison, RN, CC

Life Purpose & Career Coach


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